AMC, a US cinema chain: the proposal to allow smartphones and its final ban

  In April 2016, Adam Aron, CEO of AMC Theaters, one of the largest cinema chains in the United States, made a widely discussed proposal: allowing audiences to use smartphones during screenings. This proposal caused great controversy, and AMC eventually decided to ban smartphones from entering cinemas. This article will explore the background, reaction and final decision of this proposal, and explore the potential application of mobile phone blockers in cinemas. signal jammer

  Background of the proposal to allow smartphones

  Adam Aron, CEO of AMC Theaters, proposed to allow smartphones during screenings, mainly to cater to the needs of young audiences. cell phone jammer Aron pointed out that the current young generation is accustomed to watching movies and TV shows on smartphones, whether at home or online. "When you tell a 22-year-old to turn off their phone, they feel like you are asking them to cut off their left arm," Aron said. He believes that allowing young audiences to use smartphones in cinemas can attract them to the cinema and increase box office revenue.

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  The current situation of the decline in the number of cinema audiences

  One of the backgrounds of AMC's proposal is the decline in the number of cinema audiences. In 2009, there were 1.4 billion moviegoers in the United States and Canada, but by 2015 that number had dropped to 1.32 billion. With the rise of online video streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu, people can easily and affordably watch movies and TV shows on their personal computers, smartphones, and tablets without having to go to the cinema. In addition, the United States's CATV system has become very popular, providing a large amount of video content, leading cinemas to need to find new ways to attract audiences.

  Controversy over allowing smartphones

  Adam Aron's proposal has caused widespread controversy in the United States. Supporters believe that allowing smartphones can cater to the needs of younger audiences and increase the flexibility of the viewing experience. However, opponents believe that the use of smartphones during screenings will cause serious interference to other audiences. The phone screen will emit bright light in the dark, breaking the immersive feeling of watching movies. In addition, some people worry that the use of smartphones may lead to pirated copies of movies.

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  Final decision: banning smartphones

  Although there were some discussions about setting up special seats for smartphone users, AMC finally decided to ban smartphones during screenings. AMC believes that the bright light and notification sounds of smartphones will cause interference to other audiences and affect the viewing experience. To this end, AMC continues to adhere to its traditional policy of requiring audiences to turn off their mobile phones during screenings.

  Potential applications of mobile phone jammers

  In order to further ensure the purity of the viewing environment, some people have proposed the idea of ​​using mobile phone jammers in cinemas. Mobile phone jammers create a "signal dead zone" by transmitting interference signals to block the reception of mobile phone signals. This device can effectively prevent audiences from using their mobile phones during screenings, ensuring that other audiences will not be disturbed.

  However, there are also some problems with the use of mobile phone jammers. First, jammers may interfere with emergency communications, such as emergency calls and alarm systems. Second, at the legal level, many countries and regions prohibit the use of signal jammers, believing that they will interfere with legal communication networks. Therefore, in actual operations, cinemas need to carefully consider the risks and benefits of using mobile phone jammers.

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  Looking to the future

  Although AMC currently prohibits the use of smartphones during screenings, this topic still sparks widespread discussion. As technology develops and audience needs change, future cinemas may need to find more flexible and innovative ways to balance the viewing experience and the personal needs of the audience. For example, cinemas can explore more interactive viewing experiences or set different viewing rules for specific sessions to meet the needs of different audiences.


  AMC Cinemas' proposal to allow the use of smartphones and its eventual ban reflect the challenges faced by the film industry in the face of new technologies and changing audience needs. Finding a balance between ensuring the purity of the viewing experience and meeting the needs of the audience is a topic that cinemas need to continue to explore in the future. As a potential solution, mobile phone blockers also need to be carefully considered in legal and practical applications. In the future, with the advancement of technology and the diversification of audience needs, cinemas may find more innovative and flexible ways to enhance the viewing experience.